Friday 4 July 2014


The Alnwick Garden

A while back I posted that I'd started doing some volunteer work in my spare time, for a local charity that runs a social group for people with learning difficulties. It turns out that it was even more rewarding than I expected as I received an unexpected invite to a party last week. It was, by my standards anyway, a high class affair but then I'm more used to a sausage roll and a can of vimto at my parties.

Our Hostess, The Duchess of Northumberland
The occasion was the first annual Lord Lieutenant's Garden Party for Volunteers and Carers in Northumberland hosted by the Lord Lieutenant herself, who also happens to be the Duchess of Northumberland. Such a prestigious gathering demands a venue to match and luckily enough the Duchess knows of one - The Alnwick Garden, just outside her house, and a pet project of hers.
Garden Sculpture

Naturally I was allowed to bring a guest along and I could think of no more deserving person than my own dear mother, who's recently recovered from a painful knee operation. I always get a bit stressed on what to wear for occasions like this and the invitation letter gave only subtle hints on this subject. For instance it's never a good idea to tell someone like me to 'please wear what you feel comfortable in' or there's a good chance I'll turn up in my boxer shorts. Similarly when it says 'ladies may wish to wear a hat' is that a discreet way of saying 'WEAR A HAT!!'? One can never tell with posh people. The final hint was that 'a 'Garden Party' theme is very much encouraged' but I guessed that didn't mean I could wear my Hawaiian shirt. In the event we decided on a 'smart casual' look, me in a decent shirt but no tie, and mam in a hat but with an option to leave it in the car.

Water features

In the event mam's choice was wiser than mine (no surprise there). The Duchess herself was wearing a hat so that validated mam's decision instantly. I on the other hand was probably the scruffiest bloke there, with pretty much everyone else wearing a morning suit or at least a tie. Bah.
Fountain Rainbow

Poor wardrobe choices aside, the rest of the day was great. The weather was dry and sunny, there was free grub and we had a lovely stroll round the gardens enjoying the various water features, plants and flowers. The only thing we missed out on was talking to the Duchess as she circulated among the various guests. This was an unfortunate consequence of me prioritising food over socialising, though anyone who knows me will cheerfully admit I'd cheerfully barge HM The Queen over if it meant getting my paws on a cream bun.Who knows, perhaps one day I'll get the chance to?
