Friday 9 August 2013

A Waste Of Good Wee

I've been doing a lot of overtime this summer. I don't really need the money to be honest but I always feel I should fill me boots while it's on offer. Besides, it's not like I've got much else going on at the moment; I've been trying to mix long walks with pub lunches but it's not doing it for me lately. Not much is to be frank. My life's in a bit of a lull at the moment, as if I'm waiting for something to happen. No idea what though. The most exciting thing that happened this week was finding out they've made a mistake in stocking the vending machine at work, so M&M's are 40p instead of 70p. Hold the front page...

Ho hum
The other notable incident (small beer comapared to cheap sweets of course) is that I've been to the doctors. Not because there's anything wrong with me, on the contrary I'm fit as a violin at the moment. The reason I went, quite simply, is because they asked me to, and it would've been rude not to. Since I'm now 'getting on a bit' they asked me to go for a routine health check. I was flattered at first as I assumed it was just me but apparently this is quite common and they've asked other people as well. Humph. I haven't been for a while, so long in fact that they've built a whole new medical centre since last I went. Two whole storeys of it. And a chemist's shop built on to the side. More proof that mighty Crawcrook is on the grow.
Anyway, I was told to bring a urine sample with me so I craftily procured a small sample bottle from our Quality department and did the business in it. When I got into the medical centre I proudly pulled it out of my jacket and brandished it aloft like it was Excalibur itself.

"Is that sterilised?" enquired the clearly unimpressed health woman as she took the bottle from my proffered hand.

"Eh?" said I.

 So the bottle went in the bin and that was the end of that. The rest of it was just a blur after that, a blood sample, weight and height measurement (very pleased to be 5'10" not 5'9", though I did have shoes on) and a chat about exercise and diet (good luck getting me to eat oily fish).  Now it's just a case of waiting for the results, assuming the 12 hour shifts haven't killed me in the meantime that is.

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